this is a poem i wrote for nick..
he is leaving inter to australia..
as im typing this..
im crying..
so any insults or what so ever in the vids..
pls hold back..
got no mood rite now...
one year has gone and passed on,
but it doesnt seem long enough,
i tried to hold back the tears that i had,
but life has a cruel way of getting back at you..
It was fun while it lasted..
and now all my tears i have tasted..
i thank you for being such a great friend...
and ill always remember till forever ends...
remember the Fu Fuckers..
the competetition we entered..
the fun we had..
even though we hurt so bad..
we didnt win..
but to me we did..
so i gave u my frist silver medal..
cause as a power forward u did more then handle..
November the 4th..
i cried as much as possible..
as i hugged you..
why is life so unpridictable?
i just came home..
and this poem i wrote...
to remind you of our friendship..
and remember..if anyone messes with you..ill make them eat shit...
muther forker number 2..
was the nickname i gave you..
cause ure name is nick i gave u a nick..
and this is why you'll remember me..cause of my lame-ness we click..
everyday before..during break..
i'd buy pepsi twist and you'd take the last half not a second late..
i've stoped my addictiont to pepsi twist..
but for today...pepsi twist dominates my list..
the poem is almost done..
but there so much more to write..
so i'll end of with one last line..
thank you..for giving me the best time of my life....^^..
Thanks nick..
you are like a brother to me!!..
im gonna miss you alot man..
and stop crying ^^..
i noe u are as youre reading this...
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5 years ago
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